Last week David's football team played Thompson. They won 57-27. :(
They had one really fast kid who scored all but one of their touchdowns (if I have my facts straight). While we really want to win, the boys still had fun and that's what counts.
It was a good game, but afterwords there was a bit (ok, a LOT) of drama from one of the parents. This parent was totally out of line but our head coach handled it really well. I was just amazed at how a grown person can act like such a child. Oh my. This is what David thought about it.
Then Friday night, at the Chelsea High football game (vs. Pinson Valley) they acknowledged all of the little football teams and announced each kid and coach by name. That was kind of cool.
The boys got to line the field as the high school players ran onto the field. They gave each kid a five as they ran by. It was neat to think that in 9 years that could be David running onto the Chelsea High football field.
Before the game, one of the refs came over to talk to the kids.
My friend, Cara, joined us at the game and David's best buddy, Drake, and Drake's dad stayed so the boys could hang out. We tried to take Drake to dinner on David's b/day night, but we had a last minute football practice scheduled for that night. He was pretty happy that Drake stayed for the game. They ate 3 orders of nachos and cheese together, climbed up and down the bleacher seats a hundred times and acted like wild boys. And I think they watched a few minutes of the game too.

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