I may have mentioned it before, but this spring David is playing t-ball. He loves it and is doing really well. He's one of the older kids on the team, so he can hit really well and run fast, but when it comes to chasing the grounder he won't. He pretty much lets all the kids run after it....unless of course his little friend, John Deric, is chasing it...and then David runs and tries to beat him to the ball. They have a little mini-competition going on each game just between the two of them. Coach Deric has let David play first base, third and pitcher.
Here are a few pictures from his first game.

He's a good slider, while most kids hit their knees and fling themselves forward he knows to kinda lay down and slide on his hip. He really likes his baseball underwear and will tell you about them if you give him the chance (they are boxer briefs with padding on the hips).
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